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Measles Outbreak Response

Empowering Outbreak Response: Optimizing Strategies for Measles Outbreaks

CORI is actively engaged with state and local health departments responding to and preparing for measles outbreaks. We develop tailored tools aimed at optimizing every stage of the outbreak response process. 

We collaborate with local and state health departments to identify:

  • Gaps in preparedness
  • Opportunities for community outreach
  • Data analytics tools and processes
  • Various other facets crucial to outbreak management. 

The goal is to seamlessly integrate advanced analytics into decision-making processes at all levels, empowering public health officials with the necessary tools and training to effectively respond to infectious disease outbreaks. 


Join Us 

Who: State and Local Health Departments 

What: We're teaming up with state and local health departments to tailor real-time solutions, ensuring rapid and effective responses to public health emergencies. 

How:  Contact us to learn how CORI can support your outbreak response team. 

*Please include Outbreak Response Strategy as your subject line. 



Public health agencies are facing the re-emergence of measles in the US, with multiple large clusters already reported in 2024. Because measles is highly infectious and transmissible, responding to even a single case requires significant investment of time, money, and people power. This is a substantial burden for health departments already facing stretched resources and staff burnout amid the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, a strained healthcare system, and the pressures to address various other communicable diseases. 

View the current number of measles cases and outbreaks, according to the CDC. 



Thank you to our current partners, shown below, for your ongoing commitment to public health and collaboration in developing and sharing resources that enhance outbreak response for state and local health departments.

This static image shows CORI's partners.